
Green New Deal

We recently hosted guest speaker Jack Titley from the Green New Deal UK Edinburgh Hub. They are the local branch of a national organisation, Green New Deal UK, campaigning for the adoption of a transformative Green New Deal to tackle climate breakdown and fix our broken economy at the urgent pace required. Watch the video of the his talk below.

Our leaflets

Our new leaflet A Guide to Climate Change and Solutions tells you why many of the “solutions” pushed by the UK government won’t work, explains what is meant by a “Just Transition” and “System Change not Climate Change”, and shows how these ideas underpin a number of practical, commonsense proposals we could be implementing right now.

A Guide to Climate Change and Solutions: download (pdf) or read on this site

Our previous leaflet Climate Crisis and the Big Meeting in Glasgow was distributed in the run up to the COP26 conference. It is still a good place to start to learn about some of the key issues.

Climate Crisis and the Big Meeting in Glasgow: download (pdf)

Our postcard

Our postcard provides an impactful statement of the issues and invites you to engage with the Coalition.

Download the postcard (pdf)

If you would like copies to distribute, please contact us.

Climate justice talks

Over the last year, the national COP26 Coalition held a series of gatherings with leading voices and movements from across the world to discuss, learn and strategise for climate justice. You can now watch recordings of these sessions on their website:

Links of interest

Greenpeace – Living in the Golden Age of Greenwashing