Global leaders, including the Scottish Government, still say they plan to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, but this year we are already on the threshold of passing that limit. We can see the impact with increasing floods, fires and storms. As the world heats up beyond 1.5 degrees it will get much worse.
The current system is broken and needs to change. Renewables are cheaper than fossil fuels. But giant fossil fuel corporations are happy to stick with oil and gas while raking in obscene profits. There should be no new oil and gas fields.
Our publicity is based on a 70s SNP campaign to promote the oil industry, as pictured. It is intended to draw a contrast with that campaign. The question is, have we progressed?

On 18th April the Scottish Government confirmed that it was scrapping its 2030 climate targets, following the Climate Change Committee declaring them “no longer credible”. In our view targets without a serious action plan for sustained investment are simply greenwashing. Check out our letter template – write to your MSP – demand action. Get involved.